Taylor Swift drops her panties and then spreads her legs to show off her nude silky smooth pussy in the photos above and below.

Seeing Taylor’s tight pink lady lips exposed in this photo is certainly a sickening sight. For Allah in his infinite wisdom designed pubes to form a hair burka, and shield us from the nauseating sight of a woman’s sinful genitals. However, women like Taylor in the hopelessly degenerate Western world shave and wax off this most righteous hair, so that they can please Satan by displaying their cock caves in all of their depraved glory.
Rest assured that when Islam finishes conquering the West women like Taylor Swift will not only have their blasphemous labia chopped off and their clits filed down into desensitized nubs of scar tissue, but they will also be strictly forbidden from shaving so much as single hair off of their shameful bodies… Also all aestheticians will be immediately put to death!