“The Big Bang Theory” star Kaley Cuoco spreads her legs with no panties on while relaxing in the back of her limo in the offensive photo above.
How dare Kaley Cuoco flaunt not only her meaty lady lips, but her excessive wealth like this when so many Americans struggle to put roast beef sandwiches on the dinner table. This photo just goes to show how out of touch and insensitive celebrity harlots like Kaley are.
If the American people had a backbone they would rise up against these rich one-percenter sluts, who have made their fortunes off of selling sex and debasing society. For anyone who makes money through the depraved Zionist controlled entertainment industry is an enemy of the people, and they deserve to be dragged from their Malibu mansions and beaten in the streets by angry mobs. Of course the American public lacks the moral fortitude to carry out this righteous reckoning, and will instead allow Kaley (and her degenerate ilk) to continue making millions off of brazenly whoring her sex organs on TV and in photos like the one above.