The inevitable has finally happened as Taylor Swift has started brazenly flashing her lady holes on camera.
It all started with the photo above of Taylor pulling down her shorts to expose her famously rarely seen belly button while posing with some lesbodyke who reads too many Jane Austin novels. From there Taylor could not resist going all the way and completely removed her shorts to show off her also famously rarely seen baby box in the photo below.

After seeing all but one of Taylor Swift’s orifices in this photo, we can now make an educated choice as to were we will stick our enormous Muslim meat scimitars when Taylor is finally brought to heel and is serving as a concubine. While her mouth and cock cave certainly look inviting, her belly button is clearly the tightest hole she has to offer. We will just have to hope that Taylor can survive getting her guts pulverized by a Muslim’s third leg during navel annihilation.